Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is a city that’s all too easy to fall in love with. You’ll be seduced by its flavours: superb coffee, impossibly sweet dulce de leche, and the unique take on hot chocolate known as a ‘submarino’. You’ll fall for the architecture: quaint wood-paneled cafés, the colorful houses of La Boca, the still glamorous subway and the beguiling pink Casa Rosada – yes, with that balcony. Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.You might find that you do, when you leave. The lifestyle (once your body clock has adjusted) makes some sort of crazy sense – after all, who said that midnight is too late to eat dinner? The porteños (locals) even seem to do death better than anyone else. Yes, they have a stylish approach to the afterlife. A walk around Recoleta cemetery (also known as the necropolis or city of the dead) reveals that the grand old families of the city care an awful lot about who has the grandest crypt and the most impressive statuary. Pride of place, of course, belongs to Eva Perón.